“Equality, freedom, solidarity – the issues on which I was raised”

How to Cite

Molden, B., Cornejo Torres, R., & Torres-Heredia, M. (2024). “Equality, freedom, solidarity – the issues on which I was raised”: Viena Chilena 73 | 23: an archive for the intergenerational memory of the Chilean diaspora in Vienna, Austria. Alternautas, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.31273/an.v11i1.1686


As part of this special issue, we received this reflective piece from Viena Chilena 73 | 23, a project initiated to record and articulate the history and memory of Chilean exile in Austria and Austrian-Chilean solidarity during the 50 years since the 1973 military coup in Chile. This contribution pieces together elements of the project website, extracts of their archival work and reflections from the project collective.



Kunstuniversität Linz: Pass(ed) On (May 5, 2024): https://www.kunstuni-linz.at/universitaet/organisation/zentrale-verwaltung/kommunikation-pr/veranstaltungsrueckblick/passedon [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos (2023): https://www.facebook.com/MuseodelaMemoriaChile/vid20eos/647177677010858 [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Viena Chilena (2024): Solidaritätsbewegung. https://www.vienachilena.org/solidaritaetsbewegung.html [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Volkskundemuseum Wien (2024): https://www.volkskundemuseum.at/en [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Wienwoche: Musmig (2023): https://www.wienwoche.org/en/2023/festival-program/projects/musmig [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Viena Latina (2024): http://www.vienalatina.at/ [retrieved on July 8, 2024]

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Bethold Molden, Rayen Cornejo Torres, Marcela Torres-Heredia


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