Teaching Synaesthesia as a Gateway to Creativity


  • Monica D. Murgia
  • Monica D. Murgia




synesthesia, creativity, arts practice, teaching


This article encapsulates my experience of teaching creativity within a higher education curriculum. Creativity often eludes common understanding because it involves using different conceptual streams of thought, often times developing unconsciously and manifesting in the prized “eureka” moment. In 2009, I began explaining the neurological condition of synaesthesia and later introduced this phenomenology in a course designed to cultivate creativity to first year fashion design students. There are many challenges in teaching creativity. Through teaching this course, I discovered that the first challenge is making the students conscious of their own qualitative beliefs on creativity and art. The second is creating exercises to challenge and alter these beliefs, thus forming a new way of thinking and experiencing the world. The most resistance from my students arose when experimenting with non-representational art. They did not have a conscious framework for making and evaluating abstract art. Introducing synaesthesia, a neurologically-based condition that “merges” two or more sensory pathways in the brain, gave my students a framework for discovery. Understanding sensory modalities and ways in which these modalities can blended together in synaesthesia proved to be a gateway to creativity in many of my students. The scope of this article chronicles how I developed my teaching methodology, the results it created in my classroom, as well as its effects on my own artistic practice.


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Boden, Margaret A. (2004) The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms. (New York: Routledge)

De Young, R. (2014). Using the Stroop effect to test our capacity to direct attention: A tool for navigating urgent transitions. Retrieved from http://www.snre.umich.edu/eplab/demos/st0/stroopdesc.html

Ramachandran, V.S. and Edward M. Hubbard (2003) 'Hearing Colours, Tasting Shapes,' The Scientific American, May 2003.

Abstract painting






Critical Reflections