
Since 2020, the Exchanges Discourse podcast has hosted interviews focusing on the lives, career, research and publication experiences of early career researchers. Featuring appearances by past-Exchanges authors, episodes explore their articles alongside offering rich insights into their wider publication lives. Guidance for first-time and less experienced authors is also a regular part of many episodes. Additionally, some episodes include guests and discussions on broader aspects of scholarly publication, researcher development and occasionally specific guidance on publishing with Exchanges. All episodes are hosted and produced by Dr Gareth J Johnson, Editor-in-Chief.

The Exchanges Discourse is hosted on Spotify and is also available on Apple Podcasts. Direct links to all past episodes, with running time indicated, can be found below.

Season 6 (2025)

1) Getting a bit Theoryish: Discussing the popular & exciting academic podcast [34:54]

Season 5 (2024)

1) Biochar, Artificial Pollination & Multispecies Justice: In Conversation with Catherine Price [25:24]
2) Voices of Transnational Girlhood(s) on Identity, Gender, and Culture: In Conversation with Simona Di Martino [22:23]
3) Postdisciplinarity, Ontologies & Futures: In Conversation with Liam Greenacre [12:58]
4) Outreach, Reaching Across the Divide & Engaging the Public: In Conversation with Phil Jemmett [35:42]
5) Being an Effective Academic Citizen in the Republic of Knowledge: In Conversation with Jonathan Vickery [59:58]
6) International Teacher Practitioners as Researchers: In Conversation with Elizabeth Hidson [24:21]
7) Talking Citational Justice with Osamu Miyamae [21:34]
8) Learning to Love Archives: In Conversation with Nia Belcher [11:46]
9) Reflecting on the Modern Record Centre’s First Half Century: In Conversation with Pierre Botcherby & Rachel MacGregor [34:36]
10) There’s a Write Way to get Published: In Conversation with Anna Fancett [26:49]
11) Developing Researchers & Cultural Change: In Conversation with Taryn Bell [25:21]
12) Energy Poetry One: Harnessing the Wind [29:19]
13) Researcher Vulnerability and Physical Impacts: In Conversation with Mia-Marie Hammarlin⁠ [39:30]
14) Public Engagement, Philosophy & Musical Expressions: In Conversation with Giulia Lorenzi [31:32]

Season 4 (2023)

1) Creating Critical Reflection Articles: The What, The Why, The How and The Where
2) Considering Conversations: Creating Informal & Informative Academic Discussion Articles
3) Interdisciplinarity & Publishing: A Panel Discussion
4) Presidential History and Digital Pedagogies: In Conversation with Rebecca Stone
5) The Textures of Research: In Conversation with Berilsu Tarcan
6) Environmental Humanities & Transdisciplinary Research: In conversation with Justin Westgate
7) Crossing the Creative Frontier: In Conversation with Sonakshi Srivastava
8) Orwell & Modern Political Speech: In Conversation with Imogen Birkett
9) Across Two Professional Worlds: In Conversation with Intissar Haddiya
10) Sustainability, Batteries & Pringle Cans: In Conversation with Jean Marshall
11) ChatGPT, Reviewers from Hell & Linguistic Challenges: In Conversation with Beth Montague-Hellen
12) Conceptual Association, Advertising & Hydropathy: In Conversation with Constance de Silva
13) Queerness as Strength: Getting Involved & Contributing

Season 3 (2022)

1) In Conversation with Mehdi Moharami
2) In Conversation with Elloit Cardozo
3) In Conversation with Huayi Huang
4) In Conversation with Monica Mastrantonio
5) What Do I Get Out of Publishing with Exchanges?
6) In Conversation with Jon Braddy
7) In Conversation with Francesca Brunetti
8) In Conversation with Natalia Rumak
9) In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski
10) In Conversation with Sharon Coleclough
11) In Conversation with Kwasu Tembo
12) So, What Makes a Good Peer Reviewer?
13) In Conversation with Harriet Richmond
14) In Conversation with Simon Varwell: Citizen Participation & Partnerships
15) In Conversation Again with Huayi Huang: Realism & Epistemologies
16) In Conversation with Pavel Fedotov: Five Forces
17) In Conversation with Colin Hutchinson: The Social Novel & Anita Mason

Season 2 (2021)

1) The Cultural Representations of Nerds – in Conversation with Dr Filippo Cervelli & Dr Ben Schaper
2) The Associate Editor Experience
3) A Conversation with…Doro Wiese
4) A Conversation with…Urmee Chakma
5) A Conversation with…Mark Readman
6) Introducing Volume 8.3 of Exchanges
7) A Conversation with...M Onat Topal
8) 6 (or so) Ways to Get Involved with Exchanges
9) A Conversation with...Rob Horsfield
10) Everyone's Talkin' At Me: Growing Your Own Podcast
11) A Conversation with...Catherine Price
12) A Conversation about Educational Podcasting with Jim Judges
13) Looking Back at Volumes 8.4 & 9.1

Season 1 (2020)

1) Introducing the Exchanges Journal
2) For Our Consideration
3) Having your Manuscript Declined and How to Avoid It
4) Art Students Then & Now
5) Reflections on: Exchanges Volume 7 Issue 3
6) Do you want to build a special issue?
7) A Conversation with…Dr Ioana Vrabiescu
8) A Spoken Abstract from…Dr Mairi Gkikaki
9) Reflections on: Exchanges Volume 8 Issue 1
10) A Conversation with…Dr Julia Gauly
11) A Conversation with…Dr Isabelle Heyerick

Our thanks to all guests past and present for their time talking with us on the podcast. Suggestions for guests or topics for future episodes are warmly welcomed.