Information For Authors
Exchanges fully embraces the tenants of diamond open access (Fuchs & Sandoval, 2013). This means all articles are free to access to readers at publication and there are no fees (e.g., article processing charges (APC)) to be paid by authors. Regular issues of Exchanges are published twice annually, in spring and summer, typically in late April and October. Articles accepted for publication (post-review) normally appear in the next regular issue of the journal available. Special issues of the journal are published at various other times of year in addition to these two regular issues - following specific open or closed calls for contributions. Authors grant the journal permission to be the first formal publication destination of their manuscripts. All accepted articles are published under a CC-BY licence with authors retaining copyright over their work.
Thinking about submitting an article to Exchanges? That’s great to hear! We recommend prospective authors start by reading:
- About the Journal for general guidance on our selection policies, scope of interest, readership and publication schedule.
- Author Guidelines and Style Guide on how to ensure your manuscript meets our base requirements (including content, word length and article format).
- Submission Guidelines which offers a pre-submission checklist for authors, as well as guidance on our copyright arrangements.
Exchanges especially welcomes submissions from early career researchers and emerging scholars within any discipline, and from any part of the world. You are warmly invited to discuss your potential article with the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Gareth J Johnson, or by contacting any member of our Editorial Board.
While contacting us ahead of a submission is not required, first-time authors may find this a helpful exchange in terms of shaping their work to meet our guidelines.
New authors will need to register an account with Exchanges during the submission process. All submitting authors are also required to complete our online article submission process which includes agreeing to our publication license.
Calls for Papers
While Exchanges welcomes submissions of any work suitable for our cross-disciplinary readership throughout the year, we make periodic themed calls for contributions. You can find full details of our current calls for papers (CFP) in the editorial of recent journal issues or via our announcements page. Currently, Exchanges especially welcomes proposals for interviews with significant public intellectuals or scholars with cross-disciplinary impact, or critical reviews of events or texts with multidisciplinary importance. We also welcome outline proposals to the Editor-in-Chief for special issues, although we can only accommodate a limited number of these annually.
Social Media
We welcome comments, suggestions and conversations with our readership and contributing authors, concerning the journal or on any and all issues around academic publication. While authors may email us directly, they might also wish to engage with our social media presence for updates and progress reports on developments with the journal and scholarly publishing in general:
- Bluesky.Social: @ExchangesJournal
- LinkedIn:
- Blog: Exchanges Editorial Discourses
- Podcast: The Exchanges Discourse
- Newsletter: Exchanges Announce
- Link.Tree: Exchanges Journal
While we retain a residual presence on Twitter/X & Mastodon, these are no longer updated. Follow us on Bluesky for all the latest news & updates from the journal and editorial team.
Please note our Privacy Statement, which outlines how we use your personal data.