OJS Messaging Problems
There is a current glitch with Exchanges host platform, whereby it is not sending messages (emails) to most users.
A recurrent glitch with OJS, the Open Journals Platform on which Exchanges is hosted, has been reported. It appears that currently most or all system generated and initiated emails are not being sent. This means any password resets, new account creation along with author and reviewer communications may not be received.
Exchanges would like to apologise for any inconvenience this causes while we seek to resolve it.
The issue has been reported to the Warwick University Press Journals team at the University Library, who will be coordinating with the IT Hosts for OJS to resolve it, we hope, in the next few days. Thank you for bearing with us while we resolve this problem.
Authors and reviewers can log into their accounts to see all messages on the Exchanges platform, even if they not received them as emails. We strongly recommend all users with papers or reviews currently in progress do this as soon as possible.
Update Tue 4th Feb: The problem has been acknowledged by the University Library team, and passed to the platform IT Hosts for 'urgent' resolution. It has been reported that most journals based on the WUP OJS platform are experiencing this glitch, and as such we are hopeful that resolution will be expediated. In the meanwhile, thank you for bearing with us - and do contact us via the address below if you have any concerns.
Reporting Problems
In the meantime, if you are aware of any messages which you have expected to receive which have not arrived, or any other communication issues, please report it to exchangesjournal@warwick.ac.uk.