‘Interrupted Interviews’: listening to young people with autism in transition to college


  • Jacqui Shepherd University of Sussex
  • Jacqui Shepherd School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex




transition, autism, special school, further education, visual methods


This article examines the methodological approaches used in a research project that investigated the lived experiences of young people with autism as they made the transition from special schools to mainstream colleges of Further Education. A combination of visual methods using iPad applications and walking interviews were explored in an attempt to develop ways of engaging young people with autism in research and to privilege their voice in their own transition. The strengths and challenges of these methods are examined here and illustrated through the experience and responses of one young person in the study and his engagement with the research.


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Author Biography

Jacqui Shepherd, University of Sussex

ESRC PhD student, School of Education and Social Work


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Poster of school subjects






Inequality in Education – Innovation in Methods