Disrupting Academia’s Care-Free Narrative

Is the narrative CV just another agent of obfuscation?


  • Mollie Etheridge University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0589-9222
  • Katherine Murray University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  • Katherine Dawson University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK




universities, research, caregiving, CV, funding


With its emphasis on countable outcomes and rewards, the conventional academic CV struggles to capture the essential but unquantifiable influences in the knowledge construction process. Mirroring the masculine rationalities on which academic traditions are built, the academic CV is particularly hostile to the disclosure of care-giving experiences, even though care plays an undeniable and integral role in academic work. A development of the academic CV, the narrative CV, is fast becoming a standard requirement in funding applications across Europe and beyond. In principle, the narrative CV encourages recognition of a range of contributions and skillsets beyond bibliometric indicators and funding awards. However, and with specific reference to UK Research and Innovation’s Résumé for Research and Innovation, we examine the types of ‘care obfuscations’ and confessions supported by the CV in both its traditional and narrative form. While the narrative CV appears to offer an experimental space for pushing against the care-less presentation of academic work, funders still need to explicitly consider the influence of care and care inequalities in the academic system. Without demonstrating that they have done so, and without sufficient evaluation systems in place, applicants will continue to rely on quantifiable accomplishments, reinforcing the same culture which initially inspired funders’ concern for gaining a ‘holistic’ overview on individual applicants.


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Two women sit discussing a CV (resumé) on a tablet computer.


