Luce Irigaray


  • Katharina Karcher University of Warwick
  • Katharina Karcher University of Warwick



Luce Irigaray is the Director of Research in Philosophy at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Paris. A doctor in linguistics and philosophy, a leading cultural theorist, an experienced therapist and author of more than 30 books on a range of subjects, Luce Irigaray truly is an interdisciplinary thinker. Thanks to support from the French Embassy in London, the Institute of Advanced Study, the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP), and the Departments of English and History, she visited the University of Warwick on 7 June 2013. A lecture and roundtable discussion was attended by students and academics from many different departments, forming questions and ideas across and beyond disciplines. The day concluded with a reception and animated conversations that carried on until late in the evening.  Before leaving Warwick, Luce Irigaray kindly agreed to give an exclusive interview to ‘Exchanges’, some of which is included in this discussion of her ideas.


Author Biography

  • Katharina Karcher, University of Warwick
    Katharina's PhD thesis was entitled 'Sisters in Arms?' – Female participation in leftist political violence in Germany since 1970. She is currently an MHRA Research Fellow in German Studies at the University of Warwick.


Grosz, E. (1994) ‘Sexual Difference and the Problem of Essentialism’, in The essential difference, N. Schor and E. Weed (eds) Bloomington ; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 82-97

Irigaray, L. (2008) Conversations, London: Continuum

Irigaray, L. and Guynn, (1995) ‘The Question of the Other’, Yale French Studies, 87, pp. 7-19

Schor, N. (1994) “This Essentialism Which Is Not One: Coming to Grips with Irigaray.” In Engaging with Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought, C. Burke, N. Schor, and M. Whitford (eds), New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 57-78.

Photo of Luce Irigaray


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