OJS Messaging Problems
There is a current glitch with Exchanges host platform, whereby it is not sending messages (emails) to most users.
Read more about OJS Messaging ProblemsThere is a current glitch with Exchanges host platform, whereby it is not sending messages (emails) to most users.
Read More Read more about OJS Messaging ProblemsThis is the thirtieth issue of Exchanges, first published in October 2024. Alongside the regular articles featured in this issue, are various ones inspired by recent themed calls or prior publications in the journal. Topics tackled this issue include: literary multilingualism, public engagement, publication strategies, research culture, professional identity, interdisciplinary researchers, professional development, resistance and imagination. Alongside this, the Editor-in-Chief’s editorial briefly introduces the issue as well as updating readers on other forthcoming issues, and opportunities to contribute to future issues.
Exchanges is a Diamond Open Access (no fees or article processing charges) journal, normally published in Spring and Autumn each year. Additional special issues appear at other times. ISSN 2053-9665 |
Exchanges maintains an open call for papers for all submissions to future regular editions of the journal throughout the year. The Editorial Board invites high-quality article submissions in any of our standard formats from researchers from all academic fields, especially those demonstrating elements of interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary content. We especially value submissions from early career and post-graduate researchers.
For more on our selection criteria or guidance for authors, please visit the relevant pages - or contact us to discuss potential manuscript ideas.
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Exchanges is an open access (OA) journal published by the University of Warwick. It is one of a collection of OA journals published through the University’s Journals Hosting Service journals.warwick.ac.uk
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