
Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 3 (2024): Special Issue: Research Culture
Cover of Volume 11 Part 3 of the Exchanges journal

This is the twenty-eighth issue of Exchanges, first published August 2024. This edition is a special issue comprising entirely of papers drawn from and inspired by the International Research Culture Conference (IRCC) 2023, hosted at the University of Warwick (Sept '23). As such it contains an extensive range of papers including elements of practice, policy, case study and personal reflection. It also includes considerations from the organisers on the direction of travel for future research culture conferences. Alongside this, the Editor-in-Chief’s editorial also provides an overview of the content and journey to publication of this issue, alongside a guide to future journal issues, contribution opportunities and social media activities.

Published: 2024-08-08

Critical Reflections

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The journal is Diamond Open Access (without any article processing charges), and is published in Spring and Autumn each year.

ISSN 2053-9665

Open Call for Papers: Future Issues

Open calls for papers for submissions to future editions of Exchanges have been issued. The Editorial Board invites high-quality article submissions from researchers from all academic fields, especially those demonstrating elements of interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary content. Submissions in a variety of formats are welcomed, as per our author guidelines.

Please see the call for details, or contact the Managing Editor-in-Chief to discuss potential submissions.